Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Presidential Candidates Division And Classification Essay

Presidential Candidates: Division and Classification nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;You could be the next presidential candidate! Sound good? You must file papers with the Federal Election Commission to run. You also have to pay the nominal filing fee charged to candidates entering the New Hampshire primary. That doesn ¹t sound so difficult. Anyone who can accomplish these two tasks may run for President. Usually, some unlikely people do. This year, the candidates include people from Phil Gramm to Jack Mabardy(Who in the world might he be?). Only a few people have a genuine chance of winning the coveted office, others could win if the world knew them, and still others ( I am convinced) run for our amusement. Clinton, Powell, and Dole have†¦show more content†¦Dole knows what he wants to accomplish and has innovative ways of doing it. Powell has a large cult following and would be a great candidate. His only problem: he hasnt decided to run yet. Arlen Spector believes the government should be quot;limited, but not uncaring or a do nothing government.quot; His ideas sound good, but vague. Some of his ideas seem slightly less indecisive. He says American women should be free to make their own reproductive choices. Senator Phil Gramm also has a remote chance at the office. He vows to balance the budget and cut government spending and taxes. He is well known and says what people want to hear. He would be the ideal president if he could carry out his ideas. Dick Lugar wants to eliminate the IRS and improve the economy. He has a lot of amazing goals, but lacks practicality. And now we have : quot;the few, the proud, the obscure.quot; Remember, anyone can run for president. Irwin Schiff knows how to present a good image. He even wrote a book about avoiding the inconvenience of paying federal taxes, I fought the law and the law won. Well, Im sure his policies on reducing the national deficit would prove interesting. John Safran, a m an old enough to remember World War One and model T cars, would provide an interesting addition to the ballot. He does have that experience thing going for him. I wonder if he, like Reagan, looks at the booksShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality And Racial Inequality Essay924 Words   |  4 Pagesracial inequality share a common thread, I believe that what intersectionality represents will help understand Judith Butler’s view on gender classification and the dynamic it’s caused on our social and political formation. If intersectionality is a theoretical framework explaining the discrimination against humans. Butler would highlight, gender classification is the culprit by explaining that the term â€Å"gender,† like â€Å"race† are formed social concepts. 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